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 Mise à jour le, 12/05/2019

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Summary Digital Practical Electronics :

   1. - The logic simulator, How to make a good cabling ?   (Update, the 21/09/2015)
   1. 1. - Beginning of the editing of the digital desk
   1. 2. - Verification, assembly of LEDs, marking of elements
   2. - Assembly of LED control circuits and Control of Ohmmeter Transistors
   2. 1. - Verification of assembly, controls and tests
   2. 2. - Checking the function of the integrated circuit MM 74C04
   2. 3. - Functional checks of the integrated circuits MM 74C08 and MM 74C00
   3. - Assembly of the switch group
   3. 1. - Functional checks of the integrated circuits MM 74C32 and MM 74C02
   3. 2. - Examinations of the integrated circuits MM 74C86 and MM 74C00 to replace other types of circuits
   4. - Examination of a Reset-Set Flip-Flop (R-S) with two NAND
   4. 1. - Assembly of the push-button group with its two anti-kickback circuits
   4. 2. - Examinations of an RS Flip-Flop with Validation Command and a D-flip-flop of type MM 74C74
   5. - Preparation of equipment and continuation of the assembly of the Digilab
   5. 1. - Matrix operation check has 840 contacts
   5. 2. - Examination of a circuit LATCH Asynchronous CD 4042
   5. 3. - Examinations of a D flip-flop in the Master-slave configuration and J.K flip-flop.
   5. 4. - D flip-flop used for the Signaling of a 1st event and the Realization of a Combination Circuit
   6. - Using a Pseudo-Monostable and Reviewing a True Monostable Circuit
   6. 1. - Examination of C.I. MM 74C221 and Use of Double Monostable in a Reflex Controller Circuit
   6. 2. - Functional test and examination of a C.I. Monostable Redeclenchable "CD 4528"
   6. 3. - Using a Comparative Integrated Circuit and a Monostable to Realize a Combination Circuit
   7. - Examining and Using the Operation of a SCHMITT MM 74C14 Flip-Flop
   7. 1. - Mounting a Double Clock Generator on the Digilab
   7. 2. - Using a Commanded Oscillator to Realize a Simple Pile or Face Game
   7. 3. - Study of the Operation of an Asymmetric Oscillator and tests of synchronous logic circuits
   8. - Equipment Preparation and Digilab Regulated Feeding Scheme
   8. 1. - Regulated Power Supply
   8. 2. - Transformer Assembly and end of power supply wiring
   8. 3. - Operation of a Series-Parallel Offset Circuit and Examinations of IC MM 74C164 and MM 74C165
   8. 4. - Studies of a Synchronous Serial Transmission and a Shift Register looped back on itself
   9. - Toggle D as Counter Modulo 2 and as Frequency Divider by 2
   9. 1. - Examination of a Module 4 Counter, Realization and Examination of a Module 16 Synchronous Counter
   9. 2. - Examination of the Integrated Counter MM 74C163 and Use of the Circuit MM 74C163 as Counter Modulo 10
   9. 3. - Circuit MM 74C163 as Programmable Divider, Synchronous Counter / countdown and Electronic Game
   10. - Numeric Codes and Code Review used by a Modulo 16 meter
   10. 1. - Operation of the Decoder 4 to 16 "MM 74C154"
   10. 2. - Mounting two Hexadecimal Displays type TIL 311 on the Digilab
   10. 3. - Examination of the MM 74C163 Counter and a Decoder MM 74C42 4 to 10 to achieve a Divider by 10
   10. 4. - Realization of a Stopwatch and a Random Number Generator between 1 and 90
   11. - Half-adders and Summaters
   11. 1. - Review of a Complete Summator with Doors OR Exclusive and NAND
   11. 2. - Use of a single complete Summator of type Serial to Add 2 numbers of 8 bits
   11. 3. - Review of a "Parallel" Summator and Review of a Two-Way Digital Switch
   11. 4. - Examination of an 8-way Multiplexer and Transmission of 8 different signals on a single driver
   11. 5. - Using an 8-Way Multiplexer to Provide the Function of a Gate Network
   12. - Components with 3 State Outputs (Tri-state) and 3 State Bidirectional Buffer
   12. 1. - Review and Test of a 3-Way Bidirectional Buffer ; Functional test of a 12-stage meter
   12. 2. - Examining the Operation of a Memory (RAM HM 6116 P-4) Static Reading / Writing
   12. 3. - Memory Writing Test, Memory Erase
   12. 4. - Using Memory to Generate Sequences
   13. - End of Mount Digilab, Review of C.I. LM 555. Preparation of material
   13. 1. - Jobs of the LM 555 as Monostable, Astable and Variable Frequency Rectangular Signal Generator
   13. 2. - Continuous Voltage Converter, Realizations of an Analog Frequency Meter
   13. 3. - Achievements of a 1-digit Digital Frequency meter and a 2-digit Digital Frequency meter
   14. - Equipment Preparation and Circuit Review LM 747 Operational Amplifier
   14. 1. - Review of a 4-Bit Digital / Analog Converter with AOP LM 747
   14. 2. - D / A converter to generate a Triangular Signal
   14. 3. - Examination of an 8 bits Successives Approximation A / D Converter
   14. 4. - Realization of a Digital Thermometer

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