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E. T. F. - Volume I - 257 Pages E. T. F. - Volume II - 451 Pages E. T. F. - Volume III - 611 Pages E. T. D. - Volume I - 610 Pages N. B. M. - Volume I - 201 Pages E. T. M. - Volume I - 554 Pages Business at Home Books 34 free pages Our E-books Geometry Software Electronic Components Software
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*** Theoretical Electronics Microcomputers and Microprocessors - Tome I - 554 Pages *** :




Some tips to assimilate our lessons :  

  URL : Theoretical Electronics Microcomputers and Microprocessors

NOTE : Before taking these electronics lessons concerning computers, we insist that it is imperative to have a very good knowledge in basic electronics as well as a very good knowledge in digital electronics. Level required : 2nd and 3rd cycle.

There is nothing mysterious about electronics, but on the other hand, there is no magic formula that can be learned in a few minutes and allows you to get to know it well.

Continuous and regular work is the basis of all success.

One should not hope to understand everything in a lesson, or even in certain cases, hope to retain everything perfectly in the immediate future, the whole of a lesson.

For this last reason, the difficult or at least the most important subjects are taken up in one form or another throughout the course.

So there is no need to memorize, but you should strive to UNDERSTAND the lesson and remember the essentials.

In case of difficulty, interrupt the lesson and resume it the next day. You will then see that everything seems simpler.

If a subject escapes you completely, don't worry. Just admit the exposed theory.

This subject will be taken up later in the course and in its new form, you will understand the points that remained unclear.

To finish this introduction, let us specify again that you must not only work regularly but also PERSEVERER, even if your studies seem to progress only slowly.


Indeed, you cannot understand everything at the same time, and the extent of your knowledge depends only on your persistence.


In addition, in electronics, more doubtless than in any other profession, Theoretical Knowledge is essential to the Mastery of the Practice.

You will have to refer to it continuously, not only to understand how a new assembly works, but also to troubleshoot it.


A simple example will allow you to better understand this need for basic theoretical training.


The brakes on your car do not work. After careful examination, you can locate the fault (improperly adjusted control, worn disc, master cylinder out of order, etc.).

You see the defect that is causing the failure.

In electronics nothing comparable can generally happen.

You can carefully examine a broken down assembly : it is perfectly identical in its external appearance to that of the same assembly in good condition.

To locate the fault, you will need to :

         a)  perform measurements,

         b)  interpret the results,

         c)  localiser locate the part of the circuit in question,

         d)  search in it, using new measurements, for the component that is no longer in use.

This out-of-use component will have exactly the same appearance as the new component.

There was therefore nothing at the outset to suspect him.

Cases where at first glance you can "see" the defective component (carbonized resistance for example) are very rare, and on the other hand hold many surprises.

Indeed, in the majority of these cases, the resistor did not heat up without reason and replacing it does not constitute the solution of the problem : the new resistor will heat up in turn and will be destroyed if you have not found the CAUSE of this excessive heating.

However, to find the CAUSE, it is necessary to carry out measurements and to interpret the result of these, it is essential to know how to ANALYZE the functioning of the circuit.

The practice of troubleshooting therefore begins with the study of theoretical lessons.

We have started to process our lessons from the 8 bits Z80 Microprocessor for the sake of simplicity and we will see some families of other 16, 32 and 64 bit microprocessors in the next volumes to come .... Tome II and Tome III ...






URL : Theoretical Electronics Microcomputers and Microprocessors


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